Driving Growth and Productivity at Amtek Engineering Solutions.

Strategic Development and Team Engagement through Evolve’s Growth & Productivity Programme.


The Problem

Recognised the need to refine his strategy for growth and enhance team collaboration

In April 2024, Chris, the Managing Director of Amtek Engineering Solutions, sought a structured programme to explore business development strategies and improve team engagement through effective communication and leadership.

“Participating in Evolve’s Growth & Productivity Programme has been incredibly beneficial. The programme provided crucial insights into growth strategies and enhanced our team’s engagement through improved communication and leadership. While there is still work to be done, the progress we’ve made is very promising. Thank you to Evolve and the Dorset LEP for their support.”

Chris Guy, MD at Amtek Engineering Solutions Ltd

The Solution

Chris enrolled in Evolve’s Growth & Productivity Programme, funded by the Dorset LEP.

The programme provided a comprehensive approach to strategic development and team engagement. Over the course of the programme, Chris focused on assessing and planning for various growth opportunities using the Ansoff Matrix to refine his growth strategy. He learned techniques for effective communication and leadership, aimed at inspiring and aligning his team with the company’s goals. Additionally, he identified ways to improve operational efficiency and productivity within the business.

The Outcome

The programme yielded several positive outcomes for Amtek Engineering Solutions.

Chris gained valuable insights into different growth strategies, which have helped him better plan for future expansion. The techniques learned for effective communication and leadership have started to improve his interactions with his team. While the programme facilitated significant improvements, Chris acknowledges that the work is ongoing and requires continuous effort.

Overall, the Growth & Productivity Programme has provided a strong foundation for Amtek Engineering Solutions’ growth strategy and team engagement, setting the stage for continued progress.

For more information on Amtek Engineering Solutions, visit Amtek Engineering Solutions or connect with Chris on LinkedIn.

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