Strategic Mentorship: Elevating Evalua8’s Vision and Success.

Neethu Stephen, founder of Evalua8, faced challenges in securing trusted senior-level strategic support, which hindered her ability to attract new clients and establish a clear growth path for her business.


The Problem

Recognising the need for guidance.

Neethu Stephen, the founder of Evalua8, found herself at a crossroads. Despite her passion and commitment to her business, she struggled with not having trusted senior level strategic support which could help with the business landing new clients as well as forging a growth path.

“Working with David from Evolve has been transformative for Evalua8. The clarity, confidence, and renewed motivation I gained through our mentoring sessions have been invaluable. I now have a clear focus and a strategic plan that is driving my business forward. A huge thank you to David and the Evolve team for their exceptional support and guidance!”

Founder of Evalua8

The Solution

Recognising the need for guidance.

Neethu engaged in monthly mentoring sessions with David from Evolve. This coaching provided her with the necessary clarity and strategic direction she was missing. Through these sessions, Neethu worked on developing a niche business focus with a well planned strategy to help her ensure the business messaging is clear and understandable to potential clients. The mentoring also helped Neethu build a trusted ally that she can confidently rely on when faced with options and decisions needed for the business.

The Outcome

Under David’s mentorship, Evalua8 has seen significant progress.

Neethu successfully launched a new website, which has enhanced her business’s online presence and credibility. Additionally, she has effectively built a new professional network, contributing to both her business growth and personal development. The clarity and strategic insights gained from the mentoring have enabled Neethu to create new opportunities and approach her business challenges with renewed confidence and motivation.

For more information on Evalua8, visit Evalua8 or connect with Neethu on LinkedIn.

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