Episode 232

From Startup to Scale: Mastering Systems Thinking for Business Growth with Adam Lewis

Adam Lewis, co-founder of BBD Boom, shares his journey of starting and running a remote business and the benefits of systems thinking. He emphasises the importance of understanding your co-founder and building a strong partnership. Adam also discusses the challenges and rewards of remote work and the need for a strong company culture. He highlights the value of apprenticeships in growing a business and shares his insights on systems thinking and the tools they use at BBD Boom. Adam concludes by discussing the future of the company and his personal definition of success.

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Episode 232

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Episode 232

About this episode


  • Building a strong partnership with your co-founder is crucial for the success of your business.
  • Remote work can be successful with the right systems and processes in place.
  • Investing in apprenticeships can help grow your own talent and create career opportunities.
  • Systems thinking is about viewing your business as an integrated engine and optimising processes for better efficiency and customer experience.
  • Tools like HubSpot, teamwork, and AI can greatly enhance productivity and business performance.
  • Success is defined by personal fulfilment, making a positive impact, and having the freedom to choose your path.


00:00 – Introduction and Background of BBD Boom

03:19 – Starting a Business and Moving Away from Traditional Agency Model

04:15 – Challenges and Early Days of BBD Boom

05:34 – Lessons Learned and the Importance of Sales and Marketing Mindset

07:30 – Realisation of Success and Early Adoption of HubSpot

09:55 – Building a Strong Partnership and Company Culture

12:18 – The Value of Apprenticeships in Business Growth

16:28 – Benefits and Challenges of Remote Work

27:22 – Implementing Systems Thinking for Better Efficiency

33:04 – Tools for Productivity and Business Performance

36:20 – Future Plans for BBD Boom and Personal Definition of Success

45:02 – Conclusion

Episode 232

The guests

Adam Lewis

Co-Founder, BBD Boom

Episode 232

The host

Warren Munson

Founder of Evolve
Entrepreneur, keynote speaker, business advisor and author

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