Elevating BBD Boom Through Strategic Growth and Peer Support.

Empowering Leadership and Business Strategy through Evolve’s Digital and Creative Growth Group Programme.



Emma needed insights to refine her strategies and improve her business operations.

Emma Lynch, the co-founder of BBD Boom, a rapidly growing HubSpot Consultancy employing 25 people across the UK, was seeking a platform where she could share her views, seek feedback, and understand how other successful leaders manage their businesses.

“Participating in Evolve’s Digital and Creative Growth Group Programme has been incredibly valuable. The sessions on growth strategies, planning, leadership, and employee engagement have given me the confidence and tools to drive our business forward. The new connections and perspectives I gained have been instrumental in supporting our growth. Thank you to Evolve for this fantastic opportunity.”

Emma Lynch


A structured environment to explore critical areas of her business alongside peers who faced similar challenges.

Emma enrolled in Evolve’s Digital and Creative Growth Group Programme, tailored specifically for leaders in her industry. During the winter of 2023, she participated in four sessions that focused on strategies for growth, planning for growth, understanding leadership and influence, and employee engagement.


Emma’s involvement in the Growth Group Programme resulted in several significant benefits for BBD Boom.

The programme bolstered her confidence in her leadership and strategic decisions. She formed valuable new connections with other business leaders, expanding her professional network. Gaining diverse perspectives from her peers allowed her to approach challenges with greater insight and creativity. The support and knowledge she received through the programme played a crucial role in supporting the overall growth of her business.

Attending the Growth Group sessions enabled Emma to step back from the day-to-day operations and focus on strategic planning and leadership development. This holistic approach not only enhanced her leadership skills but also positively impacted her team and the business’s growth trajectory.

Emma is now a member of our peer group, where we and peers continue to support her and the business.

For more information on BBD Boom, visit BBD Boom or connect with Emma on LinkedIn 

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