Intego Sun Protection: Securing Investment with Expert Pitch Deck and Financial Guidance.

Crafting a Winning Pitch Deck and Financial Strategy for Intego Sun Protection’s Extreme Sunscreen Innovation.


The Problem

Despite the innovative nature of their product, the team faced challenges in creating a compelling pitch deck and financial forecasts.

Intego Sun Protection, a pioneering startup, had developed a groundbreaking sunscreen designed specifically for extreme environments such as ocean racing and watersports. Despite the innovative nature of their product, the team faced challenges in creating a compelling pitch deck and financial forecasts that would resonate with investors and effectively communicate their product’s potential.

“Evolve’s support was instrumental in our investment journey. His expertise in developing our pitch deck and financial forecasts has given us the confidence to approach investors with a strong proposition. We’re excited about the potential and appreciate the support from the Dorset LEP that made this possible. Thank you, for helping us take our innovative sunscreen to the next level.”

Russell New, Co-Founder

The Solution

Intego Sun Protection sought expert assistance from Evolve, with support funded by the Dorset LEP.

Warren provided one-on-one mentoring to help the team craft a persuasive pitch deck that highlighted the unique benefits of their sunscreen, its rigorous testing, and its suitability for extreme conditions. In addition, we assisted in developing detailed financial forecasts that demonstrated the product’s market potential and financial viability.

The Outcome

With Evolve’s guidance, Intego Sun Protection successfully created a robust pitch deck and reliable financial forecasts.

These tools have greatly enhanced their ability to engage with potential investors, clearly articulating the value proposition and financial prospects of their sunscreen. As a result, Intego Sun Protection is actively seeking investment and is optimistic about securing the necessary funding to bring their innovative product to market. The preparation has positioned them well for future opportunities and growth.

For more information on Intego Sun Protection, visit Intego Sun Protection or connect with their team on LinkedIn.

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